thank you for this insightful, emotionally intelligent article that every human being would benefit from reading right now......revenge is such a powerful energy to feel and to just allow it without lashing out in any way was for me a whole growth level of screaming my brokenness outloud and yet containing the desire to act which would only fuel righteousness and narcissism. thank you for writing an article for those of us who wish to "adult" in a child-led world.

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(Tone: Honest) Reading your article felt like a breath of fresh air and once I completed it I let out a sigh of relief! You’ve beautifully & eloquently touched on & explained in bite-size & understandable detail a lot of what I’ve touched on many a time- particularly in the last few years! The disheartening truth of my experience was that instead of engaging to ask questions & exchange perspectives many were/still are quick to scoff, attempt to discredit, and just say hurtful things…However, “self-accountability” and taking ownership of my actions, emotions, thoughts, etc…is the golden key for learning & moving forward anyway!

Grateful for your article; thank you for writing and sharing! 🙏🏼💜🖤✌🏼

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If you don't categorize revenge as justified or not are you really discussing it?

One of many perplexing things said by those who wear crucifixes is turn the other cheek, yet those Nations fought 100-year wars with each other over which version of crucifix was correct after they had expelled their Jews thus creating disunity as their Judas goats had been removed thus enabling them to turn inward with their hate.

Eichmann being taken to Jerusalem would be justified Justice with a side of revenge but hardly vengeful.

Keeping him housed in a cage on the street throughout the year in Jerusalem would have been vengeful and probably appropriate.

Along with every other Islamic miscreant doing Islamic misdeeds everywhere outside the 57 Nations that embrace the debauchery.

One of my pet titles within my skull is King of the committee of consequences...

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Thanks for your comment Alan. I obviously agree with you in terms of action. My point is that there is a difference between taking revenge and taking action to correct destructive behaviour, injustice, wrongdoing, or ignorance. The latter is necessary and constructive, while the former harms the individual and fails to solve the issue. Acting out of revenge perpetuates a pendulum effect, swinging society from one extreme to another instead of fostering meaningful, lasting change. So, hell yes to taking action whenever possible!

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